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The business has undergone major changes in recent weeks. We have witnessed the development of new consumer habits after the introduction of the state of emergency in the country and the subsequent serious restrictions. The situation required a rapid adaptation of the business and a change in the communication approach to consumers. The biggest challenge for all companies in the market is to respond to the crisis with new business opportunities and prospects for the future.

Smarketing experts believe that success is achieved only through strong dedication and motivation. As we like to say, our main mission is to build even stronger brands by using the right marketing tools. Regardless of the situation, we continue to focus our efforts on supporting the business of all our customers. We act in a timely manner to help the client to report all the positive effects on the business against the background of the gloomy economic picture. Because we value the trust that our customers place in us, we continue to be proactive and look for the most successful solutions for each company.

In times of economic crisis, many companies have decided to cut marketing costs to save their businesses. It is time to recall that the main importance of marketing is to determine the needs, requirements and interests of target markets and to achieve the desired results more effectively than competitors. In this regard, the cessation of marketing activities by any business would lead to a decrease in consumer confidence and a drastic decline in sales. Right now is the time for the business to remain visible and demonstrate to its customers that it has adapted to the new situation and offers flexible solutions according to market needs. In the following lines, we describe how we advise our customers to react during a pandemic to make the most of the new changes. Here are some strategies you and our readers can use.

1.Take your competitive advantage forward

Every company in the market strives to be innovative and ahead of the competition. The state of emergency is a good time to think about new innovations that will save business. Each company must focus on its greatest competitive advantage and use it to increase sales and attract new customers. In most cases, employees pay equal attention to all priorities so that the business can actively develop in different directions. However, now is the time to focus entirely on the key benefits of your business that can help society and business as a whole.

  • Track user behavior. Which products and services are most in demand? Many of the answers you will find in the online space and more precisely in forums and social networks. Be proactive, offer effective solutions to the client and guarantee fast implementation.
  • Change your product portfolio and think about new products and services to bring to market. Use the available resources to reorganize production and at the same time meet customer needs. Good examples of business are home delivery services, which most restaurants and cafes use, the creation of protective masks, which a number of tailoring companies have taken up and the distribution of gloves and disinfectants at the entrances of leading supermarket chains in the country.
  • Adapt to digital technologies and focus on your strengths by creating new customer experiences for your customers. Consumers are mainly driven by their emotions when shopping. Therefore, constantly remind them of the excitement they feel with each purchase and encourage them to make the right decisions by trusting you.
  • Focus on your business without stopping to watch your competitors. Pay attention to the techniques they use to keep customers’ attention, the price discounts they apply, their advertising appeals and creative execution.

Remember that the most successful companies use crises to increase their competitive advantage.

   2. Explore the possibilities of organizing online events

You will have an important meeting with business partners from abroad or internal training of employees of the company. To facilitate communication and follow the necessary measures for remote communication, stay at home and create a virtual event. Of course, online platforms are not suitable for mass events such as the Tokyo Olympics, but they are a great alternative for webinars, business conferences and company trainings. Preparing for such events requires significantly less time and money, and it is important for you to specify the individual details such as:

  • Determine the day and time for the event
  • Think about who is appropriate to invite – partners, colleagues, clients
  • Take care of the technology to ensure seamless business communication in cyberspace
  • Promote the upcoming event by choosing the right communication channels

Virtual events provide an opportunity to hold lecture panels, present company presentations, chat, communicate in a virtual environment and share experiences and ideas with the audience. To go smoothly through all phases of the preparation of the virtual event, seek the services of a specialized marketing agency. You can read more about the topic in Organizing virtual events – a convenient and flexible solution for any company.

   3. Look for new ways to reach your target audience

We fully agree with the statement of marketing guru Philip Kotler that in crisis situations the role of marketing increases enormously and it is the best way to mitigate the “blow” and continue active business. In view of the time consumers spend at home, there is a serious increase in the use of online media. Much more content is consumed, attention is paid to the usefulness of the information, traffic to social networks is significantly increased. Faced with the current situation, now is the right time to attract the audience to your business. Use the time to create your own blog or develop the current one. Inspire with creative and useful content, not forgetting to remind about your business. Keep using your business channels to communicate with your audience.

Promoting sales is not the best idea right now. But bringing the need for your products or services in the current situation will definitely affect the consumer. Use the moment to build trust with your customers. Limit ads that are inappropriate during the state of emergency, but don’t stop planned ad campaigns. You’ve already set aside money for them, so just change your focus and communication strategies. Otherwise, consumers will forget about your business and move their attention elsewhere. Through platforms like Google, Facebook and Instagram, you have endless opportunities to spread the right advertising message for your business.

4. Create a strong and cohesive team

Employees are the core of any company. Its development and prosperity largely depend on them. The current situation has forced a number of companies to manage the work process from home and completely transfer the tasks to employees online. Fortunately, the technology is well developed enough to avoid office visits and at the same time work quickly, productively and, above all, safely. In addition, now is the best time to unite the work team and motivate your employees to put even more effort into their work.

  • Start by allocating tasks. Let employees help each other during the work process. To keep track of how each team member is doing, organize regular video conferences
  • Find out how each employee adapts to change and approach each situation with understanding, because often non-verbal communication leads to misunderstandings
  • Let the managers of each team set clear business goals and a deadline. In this way the connection between employees and organization will be strengthened and the team will feel committed to the company’s goals.
  • Discuss how to proactively offer effective solutions to your customers. Have each employee in the department present their suggestions. You will waste some time in discussions, but great business ideas can be generated, and employees will feel significant and stimulate them to develop.

Cohesive teams will support the development of the company and will learn to manage their tasks as if they were taking care of their own business.

Society is facing a great challenge. Fear of mass infection distorts consumer behavior and obscures sober thinking. Now is the time to adapt to the new conditions and gain the trust of consumers. Our clients rely on us for useful advice and flexible solutions. Call us too! Finally, we would like to end with a quote that fits perfectly into the current situation and serves as inspiration:

„When faced with difficulties, you should not give up or run away. Assess the situation to find a solution. Patience is the key to victory“.