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елемент - Смаркетинк


Building a successful employer brand (Employer Branding) plays a key role in positioning companies on the labor market and is an increasingly important aspect of their strategy. In an environment of skill shortages, attracting and retaining talent is becoming an increasingly difficult challenge.
At Smarketink, we understand the importance of employer branding in attracting and retaining talented employees. Our experience shows that a strategy that stimulates and motivates employees contributes to increasing their satisfaction and efficiency.
Our services for building and maintaining a successful employer brand include:

Графичен Дизайн - Смаркетинк
Analysis of the employer, its characteristics and its presentation in the communication channels, as well as a study of the established employer image and the attitudes of the employees.
Графичен Дизайн - Смаркетинк
Identifying unique characteristics and advantages of the employer brand, as well as formulating specific short-term and long-term goals for its strategy.
Графичен Дизайн - Смаркетинк
Development of activities to create company affiliation and increase employee satisfaction (organization of team building, annual company parties, monthly after work parties, special gestures to the team), including special initiatives to attract new employees (small gestures to a selected target audience, participation in specialized career platforms and events, PR activities and others). We work with external and internal audiences for a given campaign.
Графичен Дизайн - Смаркетинк
Preparation of a comprehensive strategy, selection of effective communication channels and execution of campaigns with marketing tools.
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Measuring and reporting results.
Employer branding Smarkethink
елемент - Смаркетинк

Building a successful employer brand (Employer Branding) plays a key role in positioning companies on the labor market and is an increasingly important aspect of their strategy. In an environment of skill shortages, attracting and retaining talent is becoming an increasingly difficult challenge.
At Smarketink, we understand the importance of employer branding in attracting and retaining talented employees. Our experience shows that a strategy that stimulates and motivates employees contributes to increasing their satisfaction and efficiency.
Our services for building and maintaining a successful employer brand include:

Employer branding Smarkethink

Изграждането на успешен работодателски бранд (Employer Branding) играе ключова роля в позиционирането на компаниите на пазара на труда и е все по-важен аспект от тяхната стратегия. В среда на недостиг на квалифицирани специалисти, привличането и задържането на таланти става все по-трудно предизвикателство.

Ние в Смаркетинк разбираме важността на работодателския бранд за привличането и задържането на талантливи служители. Нашият опит показва, че стратегия, която стимулира и мотивира служителите, допринася за повишаване на техните удовлетвореност и ефективност.

Нашите услуги за изграждане и поддържане на успешен работодателски бранд включват:

Графичен Дизайн - Смаркетинк
Analysis of the employer, its characteristics and its presentation in the communication channels, as well as a study of the established employer image and the attitudes of the employees.
Графичен Дизайн - Смаркетинк
Identifying unique characteristics and advantages of the employer brand, as well as formulating specific short-term and long-term goals for its strategy.
Графичен Дизайн - Смаркетинк
Development of activities to create company affiliation and increase employee satisfaction (organization of team building, annual company parties, monthly after work parties, special gestures to the team), including special initiatives to attract new employees (small gestures to a selected target audience, participation in specialized career platforms and events, PR activities and others). We work with external and internal audiences for a given campaign.
Графичен Дизайн - Смаркетинк
Графичен Дизайн - Смаркетинк
Измерване и отчитане на резултатите.

If you need help creating a stimulating work environment and smiling colleagues, do not hesitate to contact us.



